‘Aerious’ contains all vowels in alphabetical order, with the I in the centre and with the addition of the R and S to form a word. This rare adjective from the English language pertains air and is used to assign airiness, freshness or spaciousness. The word often forms the visual base of different work of David Sciarone. His work oftens find its basics in letterforms and typography. He uses letters and words - often ‘aerious’ - to transfer a visual vibe. This visual appearance or propagation is often more important than the meaning of the combination of the letters itself.
Sciarone works in different disciplines, in which he mainly focuses on wall paintings, drawings and graphic techniques. He also works spatial and audio-visual. His style can be referred to as minimalistic, stylized, graphic, optic, illustrative and clean. Subjects in his fine art he often addresses are urbanism, vehicles and graffiti.